Friday, June 19, 2009

music you "need" and some music articles

it's been a while since my last post, i'm not sure if i have just been lazy or if i have been busy. i guess that because i have to ask that question...i've probably been lazy. i have been working at the school all day doing grounds work and now i'm also cooking out at the country club a few nights a week so i am also busy with work.

i have had some time to find some tunes that are worth checking here they are.

first is a band called fanfarlo. they are currently offering their newest album for $1 on their website if you click their name in the previous sentence. it is good album...and it's only a dollar until july 4th, at which time it will go on sale for regular price. they are obviously trying to get their name and music out there so give them a buck and check it out.

fanfarlo - ghosts

second band today is dark mean. go to the link, give them an e-mail address, they give you a four song ep. does it get any better than that? now i've only heard four of their songs, but what i've heard i like and i'm waiting for the next two eps to come out which will form their first album. if you like this don't worry i'll let you know when they come out.

dark mean - happy banjo

dark mean - lullaby

third...bowerbirds. i know i've talked about them before, but i'm gonna do it again. their album upper air comes out on the 7th of july, but if you order it get a code to digitally download it. i have it, it's good.

last but not least here are two songs that i have been listening to. i may try to go see tiny vipers in denver at the end of'd be fun.

tiny vipers - dreamer
grand archives - silver among the gold

keep sending me any bands you find, i promise i am listening to them and checking them out...i'll do a post of bands people have sent me soon. enjoy

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