Monday, June 8, 2009

and i'm back!!

i just returned from lovely spain, it was an amazing trip...and it was just nice to be back there. i don't have a camera so i don't have any pictures yet. as soon as i do i'll post a few. it has been quite a while since my last post and i haven't had much time to check out new tunes so here we go.

director david lynch has an interesting new project on his website. he has a few interviews up right now...but there will surely be more. keep your eyes on this site.

the new pornographers are a band that got a lot of playtime on my ipod while i was in spain. they are a canadian rock/pop group who have 4 albums. most of their songs are catchy and they have a pretty good variety of different sounds in each album...unlike many of the other bands i have put on here. you may recognize neko case the beautiful ginger in the middle of the picture above. she just released an album not to long ago titled middle cyclone, it is also worth a listen.

here are some tunes:Link

the new pornographers - the bleeding hearts show
the new pornographers - sing me spanish techno

that'll be it for today, but i will try to do a good job of updating every day or everyother day. enjoy

added @ 11:00 p.m.

p.s. -

if you don't have bon iver's album for emma, forever ago it is on sale on amazon mp3's for $5 i guarantee it is the best $5 you'll spend on an album.

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