Friday, May 22, 2009

last post...for a bit

as i will be traveling to spain on monday, this will be the last post i will put up until i get back. due to this fact, this post is all over the, movies, youtube, whatever is on my mind. enjoy!

okkervil river is one of my favorite bands, they play great music and their lyrics are very...lyrical. not sure how to explain it other than their lyrics are similar to the decemberists, but they don't tell a story or folk tale in every one of them.

my favorite song is titled plus ones, it takes songs with numbers in the title and adds one to them and is put together with wit and charm here is the song and a link to the titles used in the song.

okkervil river - plus ones plus ones analysis

okkervil river - lost coastlines

here is a youtube video that has been making me cry at the back of my classroom for the last couple of months. actually it is a series of videos in which a person who knows about a historical event in the united states becomes inibriated and retells the short i give you 'drunk history'

there are 5 videos in all and they are each worth watching.

ben found this movie trailer and had the insight to remind me that no matter how good it looks...there is still no chance of it ever coming to my lovely little village of sidney. thanks buddy.

rudo y cursi

and tunes. i found this group today on a blog that i read. mewithoutyou are a band from philadelphia who sing songs that tell stories. i'm a sucker for that type of music. the song on here is based on one of aesop's fables. as always check 'em out and let me know what you think.

mewithoutyou - the fox, the crow and the cookie

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