Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm Wide Awake and I'm Still Not A Morning Person

This blog will be for my friends who are tired of me telling them about obscure bands to listen to. Hopefully now they can just check out this site and see what I'm listening to and form their own opinions.

This last weekend I had the privilege of driving 5 1/2 hours across the beautiful/desolate state that we call Nebraska. It is home but oh, how I wish it had a little more to offer in the scenery department. But there was a light at the end of the tunnel...Margot and the Nuclear So and So's were playing a show at the Slowdown in downtown Omaha.

The opening band was a group from Indianapolis called Everything, Now. They were pretty good so I had to buy one of their limited copies of their LP Sunshine of Doom. Each cover was hand drawn and I found that pretty cool.

Richard Edwards and his crew
put on a great show and everyone had a great time. their music. Their most recent album is Animal!/Not Animal, the "man" wanted them to release one, they wanted the other Animal! is theirs, Not Animal the "man's." Their first album is amazing as well it is titled The Dust of Retreat.

Here are a few tunes to check out:
Margot and the Nuclear So and So's -
Tall as Cliffs
Broadripple is Burning

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