Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So Blogger took down my last post because it said I infringed on someone's copyrights, but hasn't told me which item I posted infringed. That makes a ton of sense to me. But until I can figure it out here is a picture of me in Spain...with my twin.

Here's the background story to the picture. While we were in Spain this summer the political race for the European Union chair of Spain was underway. During our last days of the trip we were in Barcelona and we saw numerous signs for the two candidates. Oriol Junqueras must have been from Barcelona because his were everywhere. I didn't take any notice of the pictures of him until we were riding an escalator up to the exit of a metro station and I heard one of my students yell "Mr. Pope! Your picture is on the wall over there!" They quickly gathered around and made me stand next to "my" picture. I can admit now that with a suit jacket on, I could probably have been a stand it for good old Oriol. At least for this picture.

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